Would she, could she wear them in the rain?
(Princess says “Yes”, Modern Mommy says “No!”)
Would she, could she wear them on a plane?
Maybe, we’ll wait and see.
Would she, could she wear them in a tree?
Princess loves her Cape Clogs,
keep reading,
you’ll see,
As for the rhyming, we’ll just let that be.
Clogs are rapidly gaining a renewed popularity. Princess’ Cape Clogs are a beautiful, shiny black. They are made of the softest patent leather. While I love Cape Clogs for their beauty, the companies focus on being environmentally friendly and their ergonomic design, Princess likes her clogs because…well, she just loves them!
Cape Clogs sale is still having their great FIVE year ANNIVERSERY sale! They are also having a sale on specially designed clogs for Ovarian Cancer Awareness. My husband’s Aunt was just recently declared cancer free after having a bout with Ovarian Cancer. So, I was really pleased to see these great clogs with a great cause! (Show your support and get 40% off!)
While Cape Clogs are not the cheapest pair of shoes you will ever wear (prices ranging from around $40.00 USD to $90.00 USD). They are made of great quality and even greater care. You will be noticed in your Cape Clogs!
Will you, will you love your Cape clogs? Try them, Try them and you may!
(As always, Dear Readers, here is the link to the Cape Clogs website http://www.capeclogs.com/).
Modern Mommy
Stopping by from the blog hop and a new follower of your blog thru GFC, Facebook and RSS Reader. I would love a follow back on all of these also when you get a chance. Thanks so very much for your help and have a great weekend!