876d90b4fc52f65f365c9699af5468061fd51eeef39abbc906 Modern Mommy Reviews: BreakPal
Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Are you constantly at the computer? Whether for work or fun, if you spend hours on the computer, then BreakPal might be just the thing for you!

BreakPal is an online program (and iPhone App), that brings fitness to your desk. Whether you're a mommy blogger, receptionist, service advisor or CPA, BreakPal can help you!

You can customize your routine, from what kind of exercises you want to do, to how often you want to do them.

BreakPal only works if you remember to use it (i.e: set it to pop-up on your screen). However, you can have it send you a reminder e-mail. (I have to be honest, this was the hardest thing for me to remmeber. When it popped up, I would use it. If it didn't, I totally slacked off).

The pricing is really, really reasonable. For a year's subscription, it's only $5.50 (USD) a month.

It's a neat program, it's very basic, straight foward, easy to use and understand. It does what it is intended to do.

Here is a video of one of the exercises they offer:

Princess loved doing most of these with me. We had a really good time implementing exercise into the work/school day.

Did you know that taking a break to do physical activity actually increases productivity both in the workplace and in a school setting? I would love to see high schools and middle schools implement BreakPal!

Happy Exercising,
Modern Mommy 


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